Monks on computers
## A couple of additional improvements 11JAN2024 The Epistle of St. Paul to the Ephesians by Michael Ferrebee Sadler has been added to Miscellany. The poor monk in the header photo who was possessed of both an extra hand and knee has been relieved of his burden. As I noted previously, working with AI to picture what you cannot photograph yourself if you have the skill, or otherwise cannot find, purchase, or get permission to use is often an adventure. In Christ, Lawrence ---- ## What’s old is new again, or at least refreshed. 11JAN2024 The site has changed. It is different and yet familiar. I have put it back into a simpler format that was in use before, partly because it is cleaner, partly because I detest messing with the Wordpress code and security, and partly because the move to the other format in adding complication also increased friction for our visitors evident in both feedback and usage numbers. While a search function has been retained it may take a few weeks before it is fully accurate since it is now outsourced to Google and they have to crawl the site for a bit to realize that I have also brought all the libraries home to local hosting from the former Amazon S3 arrangement. So on search please be patient. The site is currently running on static pages on a Bootstrap 5 framework. Speed, simplicity, and portability drove that decision. I do operate in different CMS environments, but that landscape is changing and some have added layers of complication while others change their license and cost structure with each numbered revision. Chasing changes is a never ending game and since I am no longer in IT and no longer paid to engage the chase … well, I have better and more productive things to do. Would I revisit a CMS system? Sure, but for now this simple set works well. Authoring is done primarily in Ulysses on the iPad Pro and ported in so I am no longer coding as I once was but writing in Markdown which has been a real game changer for my productivity in general. There are still some things to be done. More links need to be added. More graphics need to be added. I’ll take photos for some of them, and what I cannot I may turn to AI for those things we can only imagine like an ancient scriptorium full of monks on laptops. Learning to properly get an AI to actually produce the image you have in your head in an acceptable form is an art all in itself. There will also be affiliate links added for hard copies of the books where available for those who need them. That will be a work in progress. I have had several people who like the works here but have complained that they would like to have them in print because it is difficult for them to read off of an electronic screen and printing reams of pages on your own to read is time and cost prohibitive and in some cases just silly. I hear you. In Christ, Lawrence

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#### Links of Interest [United Episcopal Church of North America]( "United Episcopal Church of North America") [Prydain]( "Prydain") [Prayer Book Society USA]( "Prayer Book Society USA") [Online Church Calendars]( "Common Prayer Site") [Cradle of Prayer]( "Cradle of Prayer")
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